Friday, February 26, 2016

Breaking the mould!

I hate being boxed in, just the other day I was having a pretty intense conversation with one of my retailers, he's a super cool guy and we've built a relationship over the years, made a buck or two, interacted, debated, fought and  reconciled.

As conversation progressed, we went back and forth about a whole bunch of business ideas, new ventures and possibilities . One thing led to another and we got talking about topics other that art. It was this stark comment that resonates till date, he told me 'You are an artist and you only understand art', well that might be true, but I'm so much more that the paintings I paint!

This is where I feel thwarted! Painting and art is just one facet of who I am, it's definitely not all encompassing! It's definitely not my calling card.  When you've established yourself in a particular filed, it becomes a mammoth task to break out of that mould or for people to understand that every person is multifaceted.  In an ideal world it shouldn't have to be a sales spiel of sorts every time you indulge in something that you are passionate about, but isn't something you've done for donkeys years.

Breaking free from the shackles of preconceived notions is frustrating and infuriating

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