Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Dusk shadows

I visited an old haunt the other day, tucked away in this concrete jungle there are serene escapes for those who look hard enough. My little sanctuary- it's a lush paradise where the sound of crickets drowns out the drone of city life, where colourful frogs croaking in glee, as grey herons bicker over nest space and if you're lucky you can catch a glimpse of striped wild piglets go about their business with wanton abandon.

It's a place I would go to daily for an evening run- run fast, run hard, run till it feels like every muscle in your legs are on fire, your lungs feel like they are about to explode and the wind hits your face till your eyes tear up. It's a delightful cocktail of physical exhaustion and  feeling alive. It's also a place where you can either rummage through the clutter of thoughts in your head and hope to file them neatly or it's a place where you can choose to just don't need think - not a thought in your head or a worry on your mind.

What I also love about my green heaven are the old abandoned buildings, mere skeletons of what they once used to be and etched on their walls are the small telltale signs of the people who once called this place their home. Instead of window grills today all you can find are beautifully woven tapestries of creepers as nature reclaims what was once hers. Enormous trees, who I'm sure have a story to tell as their roots spread deep and far, untouched and left alone for decades. There's an indescribable beauty about this spot in the middle of a bustling city like Mumbai, it's pure and so rare.

Every time I visit this place, I have this urge to bottle up the smells, the sights and my emotions into a jar full of memories, just incase I might never get to experience them again. It's always bitter- sweet to walk away from a place I was once so familiar with.

My heaven- I promise we'll meet again and if I can help it, it will be much more often.

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