Friday, August 19, 2016

That sketchy business

Finally got down to some sketching today, after what seems like eternity. With orders mimicking the monsoon downpour I was feeling a little inundated the last couple of weeks. I love the side projects I undertake, the paintings or sketches I do just for my own jollies!! It's these seemingly insignificant things that gives me peace of mind and the chance to switch off from purchase orders, shipment pickups and the usual paraphernalia associated with selling my artwork. It's what keeps the engines running even when the fuel tank is low.

There's something mesmerising about roosters that draws me to them and that's the reason why I've sketched and painted them, so many times in the past, their colourful plumage gives me the leeway to go wild with my colour palette. But it's not just the obvious, there's a hint of arrogance in their strut and way they announce their presence to the world at the crack of dawn. Or maybe the root of this fascination is a mix of the above, along with all the storybooks I've read in my childhood, I have no clue! This one isn't as colourful but has a whole lot of detailing, had a blast pouring my self into it completely.

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